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Ethereum (ETH) is the cryptocurrency of the homonymous decentralised platform launched in 2015, to create and spread smart contracts. Vitalik Buterin, best known co-founder, was previously a Bitcoin advocate.
Market Cap
-Market Cap
Total market value of the crypto's circulating supply.
Market capitalization = current price x circulating supply.
Market capitalization = current price x circulating supply.
Market Ranking
-Market Ranking
Currency position within the ranking of all cryptocurrencies, sorted decreasingly by their market capitalization.
Market Volume 24h
-NaN%Market Volume 24h
Volume in euro of the cryptocurrency exchanges made in the world in the last 24 hours.
Conio trading activities
NaN% buyNaN% sellConio trading activities
Percentage of purchase and sale, compared to the total transactions of the cryptocurrency, made by Conio customers in the last 24 hours.
Circulating Ethereum
-Circulating Ethereum
Percentage of purchase and sale, compared to the total transactions of the cryptocurrency, made by Conio customers in the last 24 hours.
Existing Ethereum
-Existing Ethereum
Number of tokens of a cryptocurrency that have been issued, including those locked or not yet issued on the market, net of tokens burned or destroyed.
Max supply
-Max supply
Maximum number of tokens that can be issued. It is, as a rule, established by the currency’s protocol.